Just Some Thoughts If You Own Facebook stock, or never have. You may want to know this.

The word is yes, the stock is going to go down for now. Yet in the background, they have invested in so many different things regarding technology and medicine. This stock will come back strong. Not today and not tomorrow. It’s a long term hold. If you can buy in now, that’s a major bonus due to the fact it has dropped over  per share. Watch it bounce and mark my words, it’ll jump back up and grow much beyond where it stands today.

While we watch it go down with the news of the company, the true value is solid. This stock is already set up to (they’re saying)  become another one which grows to become well over 4 times it’s current worth.

Think about it, too many users have it at their finger tips. With that, it brings a wide audience which becomes the gateway to create advertising and marketing with the potential to display their ideas and allow them to become creative.  Hence further investment ventures. Not just theirs but also yours and mine too!

Make no mistake, this stock will drop but be patient. If you have the cash, watch it drop, then buy! And hang on to it and watch your profit rise!

Think about it, why would a company allow us all to connect to one another for free without making a profit and allow something we almost all use on a daily basis fail. It won’t. But it is your money. I’m just saying.

This company started out with the idea of being able to communicate with one another, very similar to what Date-Lines and Sports were back in the 80’s-90’s. Remember 1-900-BABE, 1-900- I have your pick for this Game, call me now and I’ll give the best three games! But all for a per call or per minute fee. Facebook is free.  Where their is a need, their is always a solution and everyone doesn’t settle for that first solution. Our younger generations are always looking to create something better, faster and cheaper.

That brings me to another point. OK, so Mr. Zuckerberg will most likely appear before Congress regarding the most recent trades which has occurred. Fine.

But don’t loose site of this fact. How much this has become a tool in your life and mine too!. This tool has allowed you and I the luxury to connect with current friends, search for friends you haven’t been able to find since middle school! A convenient way in our busy lives to log in and see what’s going on with everyone and anyone you choose.

Not to mention the ability to join a group and share with your friends or create groups of whatever we choose. Giving us all the capability to learn what’s going on with friends and the event’s of those groups we chose to join. In addition, being notified of whatever you choose to select to learn about. Not just your hometown but anyplace you wish!

This stock is going no where but up in it’s long term. So they dropped and value dropped by whatever the dollar amount it is up to now.

OK. But I ask, did you use it today? Did you just take a peak? I bet you did. We all do at some point. Even my 70 something Father finally gave in and joined to connect with his buddies from Vietnam.

It’s a wonderful tool. You can’t deny that. But now the point of gathering our own personal information. Is that OKAY?

Well….sorry folks and not sorry. If you put that information out into the world. What did you expect? This isn’t your bank nor your CPA. This is a social communication gateway. I guess think before you make that next post or don’t, the choice is really up to you!